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Windy Day-Ecclesiastes 1:6 $25.00 SOLD!! (2nd version available upon request)

“The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course.”

Life is filled with changes.  Seasons remind us of universal changes.  The birth of a baby, the death of a loved one, all remind us of the inevitable changes that come with life here on earth.  It’s not avoidable and yet, many people find change difficult to handle.  It can even send us into deep pits of sorrow, depression or anger.

Life, like the wind, is going to blow things in and out of our lives on a daily basis, and at various times and seasons of our lives.  Some winds are breezes of unexpected delights, others are like tornadoes that plow in at the blink of an eye and rip away valuable pieces of our lives and even our identity.  Give thanks daily for what we have and for the God who sustains us in all seasons of life.

If we stand on the banks of a river on a windy day, we can feel the coolness of the breeze over the water and the warmth of the sun from both the sky and it’s reflection.  Both are blessings and refreshing.  If we are trying to accomplish something, like fishing or jogging along a path, the wind might cause us resistance and make our task more difficult but in these small tasks we’ve learned to accommodate the wind.  We can also develop skills to live with the winds of storms as these too are part of life here.

In the center of a tornado is a calm center called an eye.  If one were to slip through the walls of a tornado and land in the center, one would look up and see the sun beaming down on amidst a clear, blue sky while watching turmoil going on all around.  Focusing on the sun in the midst of a tornado could save one’s life.  Focusing on the Son in the midst of all that life blows our way is likewise how one survives the storms of life, storms that can/should be expected, storms that often bring changes in our lives.

Make a habit of acknowledging God’s goodness when life is simply bringing breezes and the habit of looking to the Son will be the foundation for growing, stretching and becoming stronger in faith and confidence in who we are and who God is, when we’ve survived the bigger storms of life.

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