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Morning Sea-Psalm 50:1 $30

The Mighty One, God, the LORD, speaks and  summons the earth from the rising of the sun to where it sets.

Funny how we so desperately want to be in control of everything in our lives.  We might think we are for a time but something will inevitably and eventually prove we are not capable of being in control of everything.  Life will hit us with the unexpected just as surely as the reliability of the sun will rise each morning!

The God who orchestrates the perfect rotation of the earth, the continuously sparkle in the stars, the rising of the sun and crashing of the waves knows everything about His children.  While we make choices and decisions on our own, God’s not surprised by any of them.  He is a good Father and allows us to go our own way for a time but always teaches us through it all and miraculously intertwines all of it into His big story of redemption of His people.

This is a broken world which means death will happen, relationships will be broken, loved ones will hurt us and we may lose all our possessions–all the result of the world’s brokenness.  But God’s plan, His big plan uses all these things mixed with His ingenious power and creativity, to eventually bring mankind and all of His creation back to the way He originally intended.

Know that this short time we are alive on this earth is but a twinkling of our eternal lifespan.  Ponder this small segment on God’s timeline and imagine where it might fit in the big scheme of things–a scheme that started with Creation and settles eventually in a New Heaven and a New Earth.  As He commands the sun to rise each day, as He is ever aware of each unique wave in the sea, He is aware of you and has a plan for your life.  Putting our trust in God gives us the desire to see Him glorified in all the joys and tribulations of this life.  Even if we aren’t fully aware of it, He is working all things for our good and His glory.

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