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Hazy Morning Sun-Malachi 4:2

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“But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.”

There have been times when I couldn’t shake off a bad cold.  Days of medicine, teas, and steamy remedies wouldn’t do the trick  like sitting under the warmth of the sun does.  The sun has many health benefits for us and all life on this planet.  But there is a Son whose healing runs deeper than that of remedy of sickness.  God’s Son heals the broken body but also heals the heart and fills the broken wounds of mistreatment and loss.  His healing comes when we revere His name and the result of healing is being filled with joy like the young calf frolicking in the field.

Faith is knowing that God IS at work and looking for where His fingerprints are left for us to see.  He leaves them for us as encouragement and without Light, we’d never be able to see them.  Adsense of light and faith in His presence and never-ending work in and around the believer prevents one from seeing His masterful work, His orchestration of circumstances.

God is a healer… so when we pray for someone to be healed and they die, does this mean that God didn’t hear our prayer?  Does it mean that our faith was not strong enough?  God’s word tells us that our days are numbered and God can choose how we will exit planet earth.  If one dies after prayers are lifted to be healed, is not our loved one more healed in Heaven than they could ever be here?  I can picture my loved ones dancing before the King of Kings with the energy and zeal of the well-fed calf frolicking in the fields of Heaven.  I can picture their once broken bodies healthy and filled with joy and energy, never to experience the pains of this broken world again.

The instruction here is simple:  revere God’s name.  And what is His name?  Healer, Provider, Almighty, Victory, Redeemer, Righteous, Friend–to name a few.  Be sure and find comfort in all that God tells us about Himself and we will find ourselves lifted above those things that trouble us here and will rise up with joy and healing in our hearts and souls.

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