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House By The Sea–Genesis 1:26

Available for purchase on http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/gail-ruth-peterson/cc9ef6bd-00db-4e2e-85d9-098f29420c96


By The Sea

Genesis 1:26  Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,  and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Orange is not the favorite color of the majority yet few can ignore the breathtaking beauty of an orangey sunrise or sunset.  A sunset against a morning sky, over a peaceful sea, breezy palms and mossy, barnacle covered rocks is breathtaking even when the view is wrapped around man-made structure.  Though man kind has abused our God given command to rule over the earth, the ingeniuous ability to build shelter and structure amidst His beautiful nature is also the grand creativity of God’s hand.

Though I was unable to sit on the roof top deck of this old building, I long to find places like it.  They are platforms for overseeing God’s paintings, works of art He paints before us each day.  They are places to find Him and to find ourselves again in His presence, reminders of our volnerability and yet also the power given to us by the One who has the power to rule the peace and storms of the sea.

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