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Sandy Seashore-Genesis 22:17


“I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore…”

It would be  completely impossible to count every grain of sand on a seashore and yet, that’s how many people* God longs to include in the members of His family.

When man was removed from the ultimate paradise we were meant to live in, death entered the world.  The sinful nature of mankind broke God’s heart because he loves the people He created yet, sin and holiness cannot exist in the same place.  A bridge had to be made to fill the gap for man to live in a loving relationship with God again as God intended.

Before Jesus, God established a family that started with Abraham.  God made the promise to Abraham that his decedents would be as many as the grains of sand on the seashore.  But God made a way for more than just the physical descendents of Abraham to be adopted into His family by providing Jesus.  Just as Abraham’s faith made way for him to become the father of the Jewish people, faith in Jesus allows us to also be adopted into God’s family.

When sitting on a beach, I’m amazed that someone like me, one who was lost at sea at one point in my life, pushed down and tossed in the waves of life’s chaos, is now a solid member of God’s family and my destiny is in His hands.  I cannot count the number of grains of sand and I cannot tell you what number I am in the line up of those adopted into God’s family, but I can give thanks daily that I am counted amongst the grains of sand and am one of His children now and forever, AMEN!

*We are adopted in God’s family when we believe that we can’t earn our way into holiness; we can’t ever be good enough on our own to go to Heaven.  This only comes when we understand that Jesus took our sinful nature to death on the cross with Him, and like Him, rise again into a new life (born again) to live eternally with Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit that will live with us to guide us and our prayers and counsel us all our days on earth.

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