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Winter Morning-Psalm 74:17

This painting is available for sale on http://www.dailypaintworks.com/fineart/gail-ruth-peterson/4b2ef36f-274b-4006-b1ad-1fb7d457f542  SOLD

“You have set all the borders of the earth; You have made summer and winter”

When God created the earth in six days, He created one day for rest. When he created the seasons, He created one season that often keeps us home bound–home bound, a place of rest.

In this busy world that insists we get what we want “now” and work, work, work to get “ahead” or “on-top” it’s easy to neglect a natural element in the cycle that allows living well–rest. After a season when the buds colapse, the leaves fall and bears sleep, there is a warm breeze that wakens the song bird and nudges all life to be reborn or give new birth.

There is a rightful place for rest, a peaceful place to regenerate, and retreat and rejoin the source of our energy. Whether resting means for a day, a week, an extra hour at night, or for a season following a season of busyness, rest is needed. The result? A time that seems like nothing is happening followed by a season of new life, new energy, new elements in the mix of life–maybe even new journeys.

Allow the night, the calendar and the midst of a chilly winter morning be a reminder to rest as God created us to rest. Enjoy the serenity of His presence* as you seek His will for the day or weeks or months ahead and allow Him to regenerate your enthusiasm for the Life He will fill you with if you allow yourself to empty of self-will and busyness, and refill on Him.

*We are adopted in God’s family when we believe that we can’t earn our way into holiness; we can’t ever be good enough on our own to go to Heaven.  This only comes when we understand that Jesus took our sinful nature to death on the cross with Him, and like Him, rise again into a new life (born again) to live eternally with Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit that will live with us to guide us and our prayers and counsel us all our days on earth.

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