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Resounding Sea-Psalm 96:11

Available for purchase at https://www.etsy.com/listing/121148960/resounding-sea-psalm-9611

Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;  let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Psalm 96:11

The light of the moon directs the baby sea turtle, the sea mist moistens the flowers along the shore.  The rocks make a home for sea creatures and all this is God’s perfect harmonious design.  Why wouldn’t the heavens rejoice, the earth be glad and the sea resound?  It’s under the masterful and Sovereign hand of its Creator!  God’s creation understands the death of winter, the dark of night and the mess of a rain storm.  All works to bring an end to the old and birth to new life day in and day out.

But human beings, since the Fall of Man, live for their own desires and fail to remember or even acknowledge the Creator and the rhythmic and His perfect orchestration to maintain it and allow it to play its role for ‘today’ in God’s big and ultimate plan–to restore the earth and His people back to Himself!  For those who know this, it is easier to acknowledge the death of winter, the dark of night and the mess of all kinds of experiences that fall on us–it’s part of God’s plan, His great Big, ultimate plan for His creation.  Knowing this, the whole earth should rejoice, daily, along with God’s people*, because our Creator is Perfect, Good, He loves us and His creation and He knows exactly what He’s doing for our good and His glory.  He’s worthy of our praise!

*We are adopted in God’s family when we believe that we can’t earn our way into holiness; we can’t ever be good enough on our own to go to Heaven.  This only comes when we understand that Jesus took our sinful nature to death on the cross with Him, and like Him, rise again into a new life (born again) to live eternally with Him and the Father and the Holy Spirit that will live with us to guide us and our prayers and counsel us all our days on earth.

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